International Conference

  1. Mamoru Mimura, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    Behavior Shaver: An Application Based Layer 3 VPN that Conceals Traffic Patterns Using SCTP,
    NTCAA-2010: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Network Traffic Control, Analysis and Applications, Fukuoka, Japan, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 666–671.(2010)
    [ pdf ]
  1. Masaki Hashimoto, Mira Kim, Hidenori Tsuji, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    Policy Description Language for Dynamic Access Control Models,
    DASC ’09: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic & Secure Computing, Chengdu, China, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 37–42.(2009)
    [ pdf ]

  2. Kunio Miyamoto, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    Real Hardware Verification by Software for Bootstrap Using TSC,
    DASC ’09: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic & Secure Computing, Chengdu, China, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 149–152.(2009)
    [ pdf ]

  3. Kunio Miyamoto, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    Reducing Program Environment Misjudgement on VM Detection Using TSC,
    UbiSafe-09: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Ubisafe Computing, Chengdu, China, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 483–485.(2009)
    [ pdf ]

  1. Takao Okubo, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Identifying Security Aspects in Early Development Stages"
    In Proceedings of the 2008 Third international Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - Volume 00 (March 04 - 07, 2008). ARES. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1148-1155. DOI=
    [ pdf ]

  2. Takao Okubo, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Web Security Patterns for Analysis and Design"
    Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Pattern languages of programs. Nashville, Tennessee: ACM.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Takao Ookubo, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Secure Software Development with Coding Conventions and Frameworks"
    SecSE 2007, Apr. 2007.
    [ pdf ]

  1. R.Hamada, J.Okabe, I.Ide, S.Satoh, S.Sakai, H.Tanaka:
    "Cooking Navi:Daily Cooking Navigation in Kitchen"
    Proc. ACM Multimedia 2005, pp.371-374, Nov. 2005.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Gabriel Pablo Nava, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Finding music beats and tempo by using an image processing technique"
    2nd. International Conference on Information Technology for Applications (ICITA 2004), at Harbin, China, Jan, 2004.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Gabriel Pablo Nava, Hidehiko Tanaka, Ichiro Ide:
    "A convolutional-kernel based approach for note onset detection in piano-solo audio signals"
    International Symposium on Musical Acoustics 2004 (ISMA 2004), at Nara, Japan, Mar, 2004.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Luong Dinh Hung, Chitaka Iwama, Neko Demus Barli, Naoya Hattori, Shuichi Sakai and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Dynamic Cache Way Allocation for Static and Dynamic Power Reduction"
    A International Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips(COOL Chips VII), at Yokohama Joho Bunka Center(Yokohama, Japan), Vol.1, pp.268-277, Apr, 2004.
    [ pdf ]

  1. N.D.Barli,L.D.Hung,H.Miura,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "A Dual-Length Path-Based Predictor for Thread Prediction"
    International Workshop on Innovative Architecture 2003, (Not Published), Jan, 2003.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Koichi Miura, Reiko Hamada, Ichiro Ide, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Associating cooking video segments with preparation steps"
    Image and Video Retrieval -Second Intl. Conf. CIVR2003, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA- E. M. Bakker, T. S. Huang, M. S. Lew, N. Sebe, X. (S.) Zhou eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2728, pp.174-183, Jul, 2003.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Hideyuki Miura, Luong Dinh Hung, Chitaka Iwama, Daisuke Tashiro, Niko Demus Barli, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Compiler-Assisted Thread Level Control Speculation"
    Proceedings of 9th International Euro-Par Conference, pp.603-608, Aug, 2003.
    [ pdf ]

  4. Yoshimitsu Yanagawa, Luong Dinh Hung, Chitaka Iwama, Niko Demus Barli, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Complexity Analysis of A Cache Controller for Speculative Multithreading Chip Multiprocessors"
    International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), pp.393-404, Dec, 2003.
    [ pdf ]

  1. O.Utsumi,K.Miura,I.Ide,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "An object detection method for describing soccer games from video"
    Proc.2002 IEEE Intl.Conf.on Multimedia and Expo(ICME2002), Vol.1, pp.45-48, Aug, 2002.
    [ pdf ]

  2. K.Miura,R.Hamada,I.Ide,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Motion Based Automatic Abstraction of Cooking Videos"
    Proceedings ACM Multimedia 2002 Workshops on Multimedia Information Retrival, pp.29-32, Dec, 2002.
    [ pdf ]

  1. I.Ide,R.Hamada,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "An attribute based news video indexing"
    Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2001 Workshops:Multimedia Information Retrieval, pp.70-73, Oct, 2001.
    [ pdf ]

  2. R.Hamada,S.Satoh,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Detection of Important Segments in Cooking Videos"
    Proc.IEEE Workshops on Content-Based Access of Image and Video Libraries, pp.118-123, Dec, 2001.
    [ pdf ]

  3. C.Iwama,N.D.Barli,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Improving Conditional Branch Prediction on Speculative Multithreading Architectures"
    Proceedings of 7th International Euro-Par Conrference, pp.413-417, Aug, 2001.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Minghui WANG, Hediheko TANAKA and Yixin ZHONG:
    "Generating Summaries of Multiple Technical Articles"
    Proceedings of Sino-Japan Symposium on Intelligent Information Networks , Beijing , China, pp. 63-67, Mar, 2000.
    [ pdf ]

  2. I.Ide,R.Hamada,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Scene Identification in News Video by Character Region Segmentation"
    Proc. ACM Multimedia 2000 Workshops, pp.195-200, Dec, 2000.
    [ pdf ]

  3. R.Hamada,I.Ide,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Associating Cooking Video with Related Textbook"
    Proc. ACM Multimedia 2000 Workshops, pp.237-241, Dec, 2000.
    [ pdf ]

  4. R.Hamada,I.Ide,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Structural Analysis of Cooking Preparation Steps in Japanese"
    Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages, pp.157-164, Oct, 2000.
    [ pdf ]

  5. M.Wang,H.Tanaka:
    "Summarization of Multiple Chinese Technical Ariticles"
    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information, pp.148-149, Oct, 2000.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Antonio Magnaghi, Syuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Inter-Procedual Analysis for Parallelization of Java Programs"
    Proceedins of the 4th International Conference on Parallel Computaion (ACPC99), pp. 594-595, Feb, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  2. T.Igarashi,S.Matsuoka,H.Tanaka:
    "Teddy A Sketching Interface for 3D Freeform Design"
    Proc.ACM SIGRAPH 99, pp.409-416, Aug, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  3. A.Magnaghi,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Evaluation of a Type Inference Framework for Java Applications"
    Proc. ACM Workshop on java for High-Performance Computing, pp.67-74, Jun, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  4. T.Kinoshita,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Musical Sound Source Identification Based on Frequency Component Adaptation"
    Proceedings of IJCAI-99 Workshop on Computational Auditory Sence Analysys, pp.18-24, Aug, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  5. R.Hamada,I.Ide,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Structural Analysis of Preparation Steps on Supplementary Document of Cultural TV Programs"
    Proc. Fourth Intl. Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages IRAL'99, pp.43-47, Nov, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  6. I.Ide,R.Hamada,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Semantic Analysis of Television News Captions Refrring to Suffixes"
    Proc. Fourth Intl. Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages IRAL'99, pp.37-42, Nov, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  7. I.Ide,R.Hamada,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Identification of Scenes in News Video from Image Features of Background Region"
    First Intl.Workshop on Multimedia Intelligent Storage and Retrieva Management, Nov, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  8. Ichiro Ide, Reiko Hamada, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Relating Graphical Features with Concept Classes for Automatic News Video Indexing"
    Proc. IJCAI-99 Workshop on Intelligent Information Integration, pp.94-98, Jul, 1999.

  9. M.Honda,T.Igarashi,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Integrated Manipulation:Context-aware Manipulation of 2D Diagrams"
    Proceedings of UIST'99, pp.159-160, Nov, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  10. R.Hamada,I.Ide,S.Sakai,H.Tanaka:
    "Association Video with Related Documents"
    Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Multimedia Conference, Vol.2, pp.7-11, Nov, 1999.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Antonio Magnaghi, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Efficient Algorithm for Order Evaluation of Strict Locally Testable Languages"
    International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theroy and Computing, Mar, 1998.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Ichiro Ide, Rreiko Hamada, Hidehiko Tanaka, Syuichi Sakai:
    "News Video Classification based on Semantic Attributes of Captions"
    Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Multimedia Conference:-Art Demos-Technical Demos-Poster Papers-, pp.60-61, Sep, 1998.

  3. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "What should be the role of government intervention in advancing high performance computing? Views from around the world."
    International Conference on Parallel Architectures,Compilation Techniques Panel discussion, Oct, 1998.

  4. Ichiro Ide, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Automatic Semantic Analysis of Television News Captions"
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL'98), pp.56-60, Oct, 1998.
    [ pdf ]

  5. Ichiro Ide, K. Yamamoto, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Automatic Video Indexing Based on Shot Classification"
    Proc. (AMCP'98) First Intl. Conf. on Advanced Multimedia Content Processing, pp.99-114, Nov, 1998.
    [ pdf ]

  6. Takeo Igarashi, R. Kadobayashi, K. Mase, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Path Drawing for 3D Walkthrough"
    Proc. 11th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software:Technology (ACM UIST'98), pp. 173-174, Nov, 1998.
    [ pdf ]

  7. Antonio Magnaghi, Syuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Type-Inference Approach to Static Analysis of Java Applications"
    Proceedings of Workshop of Java for High Performance Computing: ACM International Conference, Jun, 1998.

  8. Takeo Igarashi, Satoshi Matsuoka, Sachiko Kawachiya, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Pegasus: A Drawing System for Rapid Geometric Design"
    CHI'98 Summary (ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), pp.24-25, Apr, 1998.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Naijie Gu, Xiaoqing Chen, Guoliang Chen and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Performance of Matrix Multiplication Algorithm on AP1000"
    Proc. of 1997 Intl. Workshop on Computational Science and Engineering, pp.104-107, May, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Naijie Gu, Guoliang Chen and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Efficient Implementation of PSRS algorithm on AP1000"
    Proc. of 1997 Intl. Workshop on Computational Science and Engineering, pp.100-103, May, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Takuya Araki and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Static granularity optimization of a committed-choice language Fleng PE"
    Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing. LNCS 1300,pp.1191-1200, Aug, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  4. Takeo Igarashi, S. Kawachiya, Satoshi Matsuoka and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "In Search for an Ideal Computer-Assisted Drawing System"
    Proc. of the Sixth IFIP Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT'97,pp.104-111, Jul, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  5. Takeo Igarashi, Satoshi Matsuoka, S. Kawachiya and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Interactive Beautification: A Technique for Rapid Geometric Design"
    UIST'97 Proc. of the ACM Annual Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology, Banff, 1997,pp.105-114, Oct, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  6. T. Uchida and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Automatic Document Coloring and Interactive Browsing System"
    15th Int. Jt. Conf. on Artificial Intell.Poster Session Abstracts, p.103, Aug, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  7. Kenji Nagamatsu and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Evaluation of Similarity Measure employing Point-of-View Reinforcement"
    15th Int. Jt. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Poster Session Abstracts, p.74, Aug, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  8. H. Behrens and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Intelligent Information Dissemination"
    15th Int. Jt. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Poster Session Abstracts, pp.1-3, Aug, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  9. T. Uchida and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Automatic Document Coloring and Browsing System"
    21B Design of Computing Systems: Social and Ergonomic Considerations, pp.275-278, Aug, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  10. Kenji Nagamatsu and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Stochastic Morphological Analysis for Japanese employing Character n-Gram and k-NN Metho"
    Proc. of the Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symp., pp.23-28, Dec, 1997.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Parallel Processing Research Project of Japan"
    International 50th year Anniversary Conference of IBM, Mar, 1996.

  2. Kenji Nagamatsu and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Estimating Point-of-View-Based Similarity Using POV Reinforcement & Similarity Propagation"
    Proceedings of PACLIC 11 Language: Information and Computation, pp.373-382, Dec, 1996.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Hiroshi G. Okuno, Osamu Shimokuni and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Design and Implementation of Multiple-Context Truth Maintenance System with Binary Decision Diagram"
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Industirial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-96), pp.47-56, Jun, 1996.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "High Performance Computing Research in Japan"
    International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug, 1995.

  2. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Massively Parallel Processing System Jump-1"
    Proc. International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Supercomputing, Sep, 1995.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Kunio Kashino, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Tomoyoshi Kinoshita and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Organization of Hierarchical Perceptual Sounds"
    Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol.1, pp.158-164, Aug, 1995.
    [ pdf ]

  4. Kunio Kashino, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Tomoyoshi Kinoshita and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Application of Bayesian Probability Network to Music Scene Analysis"
    IJCAI Workshop on Computational Auditory Scene Analysis, Aug, 1995.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Massively Parallel Processing as a Priority of Research for the Ministry of Education, in NUS-JSPS Seminar on Databases:"
    Algorithms and Parallel Computing, Dec, 1994.

  2. Hidemoto Nakada, Takuya Araki, Hanpei Koike, and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Fleng Compiler for PIE64"
    Proceeding of PACT '94, Montreal,pp.257-266,Elsevire Science Publishers B.V.(North-Holland), Aug, 1994.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Takuya Araki, Yasuo Hidaka, Hidemoto Nakada, Hanpei Koike, and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "System Integration of the Parallel Inference Engine PIE64"
    FGCS '94 Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming, pp.64-76, Dec, 1994.
    [ pdf ]

  4. Satoshi Murakami, Hidemoto Nakada, Yasuo Hidaka, Hanpei Koike,and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Load Distribution System of PIE64"
    FGCS '94 Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming, pp.77-90, Dec, 1994.

  5. Tatsuhiko Tsunoda and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Analysis of Scene Identification Ability of Associative Memory with Pictorial Dictionary"
    COLING-94 Computational Linguistics, pp.310-316, Aug, 1994.
    [ pdf ]

  6. Takao Mohri and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Optimal Weighting Criterion of Case Indexing for Both Numeric and Symbolic Attributes"
    Working notes of Case-Based Reasoning workshop at Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.123-127, Jul, 1994.

  7. Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kunio Kashino, and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Parallel Pattern Matching in Sound Source Separation System on AP1000"
    Proceedings of the Third Parallel Computing Workshop, No.P2-R,Fujitsu Parallel Computing Reseach Facilities Fujitsu Laboratories LTD., 1994.

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka and Junichi Tatemura:
    "HyperDEBU:a Multiwindow Debugger for Parallel Logic Programs"
    Parallel Symbolic Computing:Languages,Systems and Applications:LNCS 748, pp.162-182, Oct, 1993.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Processor Architecture for Parallel Inference Engine"
    UK-Japan Workshop on Models and Software of Parallel Computing, May, 1993.

  3. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Super Parallel Computing Project in Japan"
    HP Computer Science Forum, Nov, 1993.

  4. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Super Parallel Computing Project"
    Genome Informatics Workshop IV, Dec, 1993.

  5. Junichi Tatemura, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Control and Data Flow Visualization for Parallel Logic Programs on a Multi-window Debugger HyperDEBU"
    PARLE'93 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe:LNCS 694, pp.414-425, Jun, 1993.
    [ pdf ]

  6. Yasuo Hidaka, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Multiple Threads in Cyclic Register Windows"
    Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture:IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.131-142, May, 1993.
    [ pdf ]

  7. Tatsuhiko Tsunoda and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Semantic Ambiguity Resolution by Parallel Distributed Associative Inference and Contradiction Detection"
    Proceedings of IJCNN Nagoya-93, Vol.1, pp.163-166, Oct, 1993.

  8. Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Tomoyuki Shiraishi and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Character Recognition by Associative Completion on Words"
    Proceedings of IJCNN, Vol.2, pp.1135-1138, Oct, 1993.

  9. Takao Mohri, Masaaki Nakamura and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Weather Forecasting Using Memory-Based Reasoning"
    Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence (PPAI-93) along with 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.40-45, Aug, 1993.

  10. Kunio Kashino and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Sound Source Separation System with the Ability of Automatic Tone Modeling"
    Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference, pp.248-255, Sep, 1993.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Y. Kukimoto and Masahiro Fujita:
    "Reduction of Critical Path Delay by Optimizing Boolean Relations"
    ACM/SIGDA Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems(Tau 92), 1992.

  2. Hanpei Koike, Kentarou Shimada, Junichi Tatemura, O. Shiraki and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Development of a Parallel Logic Programming System"
    Journal of the Faculty of Engineering the University of Tokyo, 30, pp.44-45, 1992.

  3. Kentarou Shimada, Yasuo Hidaka, Junichi Tatemura, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Studies on the parallel Inference Engine PIE64"
    Annual Report of the Engineering Research Institute,Faculty of Engineering,Vol.51, pp.73-78, Sep, 1992.
    [ pdf ]

  4. K. Kashino and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A sound Source Separation System Using Special Features Integrated by the Dempster's Law of Combination"
    Annual Report of the Engineering Research Institute Faculty of Engineering,Vol.51, pp.67-72, Sep, 1992.
    [ pdf ]

  5. E. Kouda and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Representation of Descriptive Name and Resolution Method with a semantic Network Structure"
    Journal of Information Processing, Vol.15, pp.280-292,1992.
    [ pdf ]

  6. Hidehiko Tanaka, Kentaro Shimada, Yasuo Hidaka, Junichi Tatemura, T. Shimizu and Hanpei Koike:
    "Resarched of the Parallel Inference Engine PIE64"
    1992 International Computer Symposium, Dec, 1992.

  7. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Resarched of the Parallel Inference Engine PIE64"
    1992 International Computer Symposium, Vol.1, pp.119-126, Dec, 1992.

  8. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "HYPER BEBU:A Multiwindow Debugger for Parallel Logic Programs"
    US/Japan Seminar on Parallel Symbolic Computing, Oct, 1992.

  9. T. Tsunoda and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Winner Associative Voting Engine(WAVE)"
    International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN), pp.589-594, 1992.

  10. K. Kashino and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Rule-Based Approach Toward sound Source Segregation Proceedings"
    International Symposium on Musical Acoustics 1992, 1B-6, pp.71-74, 1992.

  11. T. Mouri and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "WINE:An Inductive Reasoning Method With Fix-Ordered Rules"
    First Singapore International Conference on Intellugent Systems, pp.183-188, 1992.

  12. J. A. Robinson:
    "The Role of Logic In Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence"
    International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, Vol.1, pp.199-210, Jun, 1992.
    [ pdf ]

  13. Yasuo Hidaka, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Architecture of Parallel Management Kernel for PIE64"
    PARLE '92 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe Proceedings of the 4th International PARLE conference, pp.685-700, 1992.
    [ pdf ]

  14. J. Tatemura, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Hyper DEBU:a Multiwindow Debugger for Parallel Logic Programs:"

  15. K. Shimada, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "UNIREDII:The High Performance Inference Processor for the Parallel Inference Machine PIE64"
    Proc,of Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, pp.715-722, 1992.
    [ pdf ]

  1. E. Takahashi, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Study of a High Band Width and Low Latency Interconnection Network in PIE64"
    IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications Computers and Signal Processing, Vol.1, No.1, May, 1991.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Y. Kukimoto, M. Fujita and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Symbolic Verification of CMOS Synchronous Circuits Using Characteristic Functions"
    IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, No.11.5, 1991.

  3. M. Fujita, Y. Tamiya, Y. Kukimoto and K.C.Chen:
    "Application of Boolean Unification to Combinational"
    Logic Synthesis, pp.510-513, 1991.
    [ pdf ]

  4. Yasuo Hidaka, Hanpei Koike, Junichi Tatemuraand Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Static Load Partitioning Method Based on Execution Profile for Committed Choice Languages"
    1991 International Logic Programming Symposium, pp.470-484, 1991.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Q. He and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "SBS: A Multimedia Service Base System Based on Distributed Objects"
    COMNET '90: IFIP TC6 International Conference on Computer Networking, 1990.

  2. Q. He and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Object-Oriented Distributed System Integrating Multimedia Resources"
    1st International Conference on System Integration, 1990.
    [ pdf ]

  3. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A New World of Information Processing - Expectations and Problems -"
    International Symposium on New Information Processing Technology '91, 1990.

  4. Hidehiko Tanaka et al.:
    "The Present Status of FGCS Project and Future Researches for AI Computers"
    Workshop on Advanced Computers for Artificial Intelligence, May, 1990.

  5. H. Nakamura, Y. Kukimoto, M. Fujita and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Data Path Verifier for Register Transfer Level Using Temporal Logic Language Tokio"
    Workshop on Computer-Aided Verification(CAV '90), pp.493-504, Jun, 1990.

  6. H. Nakamura, Y. Kukimoto, M. Fujita and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Practical Design Assistance at Register Transfer Level using a Data Path Verifier"
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Design '90 (IEEE), pp.99-102, 1990.
    [ pdf ]

  1. T. Ohmori, Masaru Kitsuregawa and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Concurrencu Contrul of Bulk Access Transactions on Shared Nothing Parallel Database Machines"
    IEEE 6th International Conference on Data Engineering, pp.476-485, Jul, 1989.
    [ pdf ]

  2. Qianshan He and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Distributed Resource Management System Based on An Object-Oriented Approach"
    4th International Joint Workshop on Computer Communication, pp.387-396, Jul, 1989.

  3. Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Parallel Object Oriented Language FLENG++ and Its Control System on the Parallel Machine PIE64"
    UK/Japan Workshop on Computer Science, Sep, 1989.
    [ pdf ]

  4. L. Xu, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Distributed Garbage Collection for the Parallel Inference Engine PIE64"
    North American Conference on Logic Programming 1989, pp.922-941, 1989.
    [ pdf ]

  5. H. Nakamura, M. Fujita, S. Kono, M. Nakai and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Data Path Verification System Using Temporal Logic Based Language Tokio"
    IFIP WG10-2 Working Conference on the CAD Systems Using AI Techniques, pp.127-134, 1989.

  6. L. Xu, Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Distributed Garbage Collection for the Parallel Inference Engine PIE64"
    IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, pp1161-1166, 1989.

  7. Martin Nilsson and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "-FLENG Prolog- The Language which turns Supercomputers into Parallel Prolog Machines"
    , pp170-179, 1989.
    [ pdf ]

  1. H. Koike, and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Multi-Context Processing and Data Balancing Mechanism of the Parallel Inference Machine PIE64"
    International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, Vol.3, pp.970-977, 1988.
    [ pdf ]

  2. M. Nilsson and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Massively Parallel Implementation of Flat GHC on the Connection Machine"
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1988, pp.1031-1040,Nov, 1988.
    [ pdf ]

  3. M. Nilsson and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "A Flat GHC Implementation for Suprecomputers"
    Proceedings of the International Conference Symposium Logic Programming LP '88, pp.1337-1350, Aug, 1988.
    [ pdf ]

  4. M. Nilsson and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Graph Algolithms for Suprecomputers"
    International Computer Symposium, Vol.2, pp.913-917, Dec, 1988.
    [ pdf ]

  1. T. Omori and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Algebraic Deductive Database Managing a Mass of Rule Clauses"
    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Database Machines, pp.291-304, Oct, 1987.
    [ pdf ]

  2. T. Ogino and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Service Base System:A Framework for Distributed Utilities"
    Joint Workshop on Computer Communication,Vol.1,1987.
    [ pdf ]

  3. H.Nakamura, M.Fujita, S.Kono, and H.Tanaka:
    "Temporal Logic Based Fast Verification System Using Cover Expressions"
    Proceedings of International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration '87 (IFIP), pp.99-111, 1987.
    [ pdf ]

  1. M. Fijita, S. Kono, Hidehiko Tanaka and T. Moto-Oka:
    "Aid to Hierarchicaland Structured Logis Design Using Temperal Logic and Prolog"
    IEE Proceedings, Vol.133, No.5, pp.283-293, 1986.

  2. M. Nilsson and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "Cyclic Tree Traversal"
    The International Conference on Logic Programming'86, pp.593-599, Jul, 1986.
    [ pdf ]

  3. M. Fijita, S. Kono, Hidehiko Tanaka and T. Moto-Oka:
    "Tokio:Logic Programming Language Based on Temporal Logic and Its Complication to Prolog"
    Lecture Note in Computer Science Proc. of International Conference on Logic Programming, No.225, pp.695-709, 1986.
    [ pdf ]

  4. S. Fushimi, Masaru Kitsuregawa and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "An Overview of The System Software of A Parallel Relational Database Machine GRACE"
    Proc. Twelfth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pp.209-219, 1986.
    [ pdf ]

  1. S. Fushimi, M. Kitsuregawa, Hidehiko Tanaka and T. Moto-oka:
    "Multidimensional Clustering Technique for Large Relational Database Machines"
    Proceeding of International Conference on Foundation of Data Organization, pp.226-235, 1985.

  2. S. Fushimi, M. Kitsuregawa, M. Nakayama, Hidehiko Tanaka and T. Moto-oka:
    "Algorithm and Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Multidimensional Clustering Technique"
    Proceeding of ACM SIGMOD Internal Conference of Management of Data, pp.308-318, 1985.
    [ pdf ]

  3. M. Fujita, Hidehiko Tanaka, T. Moto-oka:
    "Logic Design Assistance with Temporal Logic"
    Proc.of Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Applications, p.129, 1985.
    [ pdf ]

  1. T. Moto-oka, Hidehiko Tanaka, H. Aida, K. Hirata, T. Maruyama:
    "The Architecture of a Parallel Inference Engine - PIE -"
    Proc.of The International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, p.479, Nov, 1984.
    [ pdf ]

  2. M. Fujita, Hidehiko Tanaka, T. Moto-oka:
    "Specifying Hardware in Temporal Logic and Efficient Synthesis of State-Diagrams Using Prolog"
    Proc.of The International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, p.572, Nov, 1984.
    [ pdf ]

  1. M. Kitsuregawa, Hidehiko Tanaka, T. Moto-oka:
    "Relational Algebra Machine GRACE"
    RIMS Symposia Software Science and Engineering 1983:Springer-Verlag, p.191, 1983.
    [ pdf ]

  2. M. Fujita, Hidehiko Tanaka, T. Moto-oka:
    "Verification with Prolog and Temporal Logic"
    IFIP 6th Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Applications,vol.6, p.103, May, 1983.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka, M. Amamiya, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kadowaki, M. Yamamoto, T. Shimada, Y. Sohma,M. Takizawa, N. Ito, A. Takeuchi, M. Kitsuregawa, A. Goto:
    "The Preliminary Research on Data Flow Machine and Data Base Machine as the Basic Architecture of Fifth Generation Computer Systems"
    Proc.of International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, p.209, Oct, 1981.
    [ pdf ]

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka, C.K. Chan, M. Dressler, V.R. Dhadesugoor, C.V. Chakravarthy,D.L. Schilling:
    "Design of a Packet Voice Transmission System"
    Proc.of The National Telecommunication Conference, p.13.1, Nov, 1979.
    [ pdf ]

  1. K.N. Sato, S. Osatake, S. Kogoshi, T. Sekiguchi, M. Katsurai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "High-Temperature High-Quality Deuterium Plasma Production by Laser Beam by Means of On-Line Computer Control Technique"
    Proc.of the 9th Symposium on Fusion Technology, p.879, Jun, 1976.

  2. K.N. Sato, S. Okada, S. Kogoshi, S. Sudo, H. Tsuji, Y. Ohwadano, T. Sekiguchi,M. Katsurai and Hidehiko Tanaka:
    "High-Temperature High-Quality Deuterium Plasma Production by Laser Beam and Interactions with Magnetic Fields"
    Proc.of the 6th IAEA Fusion Conference,IAEA-CN-351 G3-1, p.567, Oct, 1976.

  1. Hidehiko Tanaka, Toru Moto-oka:
    "Network Oriented Operating System -Process Control and Distributed File in TECNET-"
    Proc.of Pacific Area Computer Communication Network System Symposium, p.171, Aug, 1975.
    [ pdf ]


Hidehiko Tanaka
Hidehiko Tanaka


Hidenori Tsuji
Hidenori Tsuji

Visiting Professor

Masaki Hashimoto
Masaki Hashimoto

Associate Professor
