

  • Delegating Verification for Remote Attestation using TEE, Takashi Yagawa, Tadanori Teruya, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Hirotake Abe, SysTEX2024 (7th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution) co-located with IEEE Euro S&P'24
  • "SmmPack: Obfuscation for SMM Modules with TPM Sealed Key" Kazuki Matsuo, Satoshi Tanda, Yuhei Kawakoya, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Tatsuya Mori, DIMVA(Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment)2024
  • TEE-PA: TEE Is a Cornerstone for Remote Provenance Auditing on Edge Devices With Semi-TCB, Taichi Takemura, RyoYamamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, IEEE Access 12, 26536-26549, Feb/2024
  • Trusted Execution Environment Hardware by Isolated Heterogeneous Architecture for Key Scheduling, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Ckristian Duran, Ronaldo Serrano, Marco Sarmiento, Khai-Duy Nguyen, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Cong-Kha Pha, IEEE Access 10 146014-46027 April/2022
  • A Robust and Healthy Against PVT Variations TRNG based on Frequency Collapse, Ronaldo Serrano, Ckristian Duran, Marco Sarmiento, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Cong-Kha Pham, IEEE Access 10 41852-41862 April/2022
  • A Real-time Cache side-channel attack detection system on RISC-V Out-of-order processor, Anh-Tien Le, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Ba-Anh Dao, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Cong-Kha Pham, IEEE Access 9 164597-164612 Dec/2021
  • Correlation Power Analysis Attack Resisted Cryptographic RISC-V SoC with Random Dynamic Frequency Scaling Countermeasure, Ba-Anh Dao, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Anh-Tien Le, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Cong-Kha Pham, IEEE Access 9 151993-152014 Nov/2021
  • Towards Trusted IoT Sensing Systems: Implementing PUF as Secure Key Generator for Root of Trust and Message Authentication Code, Kota Yoshida, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Takeshi Fujino, Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP) 1-8 18/Oct/2021
  • TS-Perf: General Performance Measurement of Trusted Execution Environment and Rich Execution Environment on Intel SGX, Arm TrustZone, and RISC-V Keystone, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Kenta Nakajima, Tsukasa Oi, Akira Tsukamoto, IEEE Access 9 133520-133530 13/Sep/2021
  • A Fully Digital True Random Number Generator With Entropy Source Based in Frequency Collapse, Ronaldo Serrano, Ckristian Duran, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Marco Sarmiento, Khai-Duy Nguyen, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Cong-Kha Pham, IEEE Access 9 105748-105755 July/2021
  • Exploiting the Back-Gate Biasing Technique as a Countermeasure Against Power Analysis Attacks, Ba-Anh Dao, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Anh-Tien Le, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Cong-Kha Pham, IEEE Access 9 24768-24786 Feb/2021
  • Reboot-Oriented IoT: Life Cycle Management in Trusted Execution Environment for Disposable IoT devices, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Akira Tsukamoto, Andy Green, Mohammad Mannan, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 7/Dec/2020
  • Disaggregated Accelerator Management System for Cloud Data Centers, Ryousei Takano, Kuniyasu Suzaki, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Dec/2020
  • Library Implementation and Performance Analysis of GlobalPlatform TEE Internal API for Intel SGX and RISC-V Keystone, Kuniyasu Suzaki, Kenta Nakajima, Akira Tsukamoto, Tsukasa Oi, The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2020) Dec/2020



  • RISC-Vのセキュリティ技術(TEE, Root of trust, Remote Attestation), 須崎有康, 組込みシステム技術協会 第6回 RISC-V Webセミナー 2022年5月25日
  • 遠隔デバイスとの信頼を築くための技術とその標準 TEEP(Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning)とRATS (Remote ATtestation procedureS), 須崎 有康, 第11回サイバーセキュリティ国際シンポジウム 2021年10月
  • TEE(Trusted Execution Environment)と それに関する研究開発動向, 須崎有康, 電子情報通信学会 デジタルサービス・プラットフォーム技術 特別研究専門委員会 2021年9月
  • TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)とは何か?, 須崎有康, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW2020) 2021年3月
  • TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)は 第⼆の仮想化技術になるか︖, 須崎有康, 第32回コンピュータシステム・シンポジウム(ComSys2020)招待講演, 2020年12月