Koichiro HAYASHI, Ph.D., LL.D.
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Information Security
Affiliated Researcher, Columbia Institute for
Tele-Information(CITI), Columbia Business School, USA
- E-mailEHomepage
- E-mail :mailto:hayashi@iisec.ac.jp
- URL =http://lab.iisec.ac.jp/~hayashi/hayashi.j.html
- Digital Works=http://lab.iisec.ac.jp/~hayashi/papers.e.html
Date of Birth
- March 10, 1941
Education & Degree
- 1963 Bachelor of Law, University of Tokyo
1991 Doctor of Economics, Kyoto University
2004 Doctor of Juridical Science, Keio University
- 1985 The 1st Telecom Social Science Award for "The Age of Informunication,"
Chuo Koronsha
- 1990 The 6th Telecom Social Science Award for "The Economics of Networking,"
NTT Publishing Co.
- 2007 Telecom Special Award for "Media Law in the Internet Age,"
Tokyo Univ. Press
- Japan Society of Security Management
- Japan Society of Information and Communication Research
- Intellectual Property Association
- Law and Computers Association of Japan
- Japanese Association of Sociology of Law
- Japan Law and Economics Association
- Institute of Digital Forensics
- International Media Concentration Project
Work Experience
- 1963 Joined NTT
- 1969 - 73 Data Communications Bureau
- 1973 - 77 Manager, Budget Section
- 1977 - 82 General Manager, Regional Telecom Bureaus
- 1982 - 85 Senior Manager, Planning Bureau(before
privatization) &
Corporate Strategy Planning Headquarters
(after privatization)
- 1985 - 87 Senior Manager, Digital Data Network Department, Advanced
Telecommunications Services Sector
- 1987 - 90 Executive Manager, International Affairs Department
- 1990 - 92 Vice President, Executive Manager, Leased Circuit Department
- 1992 - 95 President & CEO, NTT America Inc.; Director, Nextel Communications, A Delaware Company
- 1995 - 96 GroupVice President, Multimedia Service Promotion Headquarters
- 1996 Left NTT
- 1992 - 97 Fellow, Glocom
- 1997 Assumed Professorship at Keio University , Senior Research Fellow at
- 2004 Vice President and Professor, Institute of Information Security
- Visiting Professor, Keio
University (2004-2005)
- 2009 President and Professor, Institute of Information Security
2012 Professor, Institute of Information Security
- Books & Articles
- EgThe Age of Infomunication,hChuo Koron Sha, 1984 (in Japanese)
- EgThe Economics of Networking,hNTT Publishing Co., 1989 (in Japanese)
- EeFrom Network Externalities to Interconnection' in Cristiano
Antonelli(ed.) gThe Economics of Information Networks,h North-Holland, 1992
- EeInformation Infrastructure- Who Builds Broadband Networks?' gInformation
Economics and Policy,h Vol 5, No.4, 1993
- EgUniversal Serviceh (co-authored with Mr.Yoshihiro Tagawa), Chuo Koron
Sha, 1994 (in Japanese)
- E eEpoch-making Decision in Inter-networking„Ÿ„Ÿ„ŸNTT's@Open Network
Declaration (OND) from a historical Perspective' gIEEE (Institute ofElectric
and Electronic Engineers) Communications Magazineh July 1996
- EePrivate Networks in Japan and the Need to Secure Global
Interconnectivity' in Eli Noam and Aine Nishuilleabhain(eds.), gPrivate
Networks Public@Objectives,h Elsevier, 1996
- EeUniversal Service in Japan,' in Eli Noam and A.J.Wolfson (eds.) gGlobalism
and Localism in Telecommunications,h Elsevier, 1997
- EgNetworking --- Economics for the Information Age,h NTT Publishing Co.,
1998 (in Japanese)
- EeUnbundling the Copyrights and making property Portion closer to Choose
in Action' gMedia CommunicationCh No.50, March 1998 (in Japanese)
- EeChanges and Deregulation in the Japanese Teleccomunications Market',
gIEEE Communications Magazineh Vol.36, No.11, Nov. 1998 (co-authored with Mr.
Hidenori Fuke)
- EeA Proposal for the Comprehensive Media Industry Act', gMedia
CommunicationCh No.51, March 1999 (in Japanese)
- EeWinner-take-all and Network Externalities',
Shintaku,Konomi,Shibata(eds.)gThe Nature of de-facto Standardh Yuhikaku, Nov.
2000 (in Japanese)
- EeTelecommunications Industry' in Japan Society of Public Utility
Economics g Public Utility Industries in Japanh (co-authored with Mr. Hidenori
- EeComments on the Convergence of Telecommunications and Broadcasting'in K.
Nakamura and K. Agata (eds.) gConvergence of Telecommunications and
Broadcasting in Japan, United Kingdom and Germanyh Curzon Press, April 2001.
- EeTrades in Information Goods and Their Legal Protection' in Okuno and
Ikeda(eds.),gInformatization and the Change of Economic Systemh Toyo-Keizai,
Sept. 2001 (in Japanese)
- EeElectronic Public Transmission Act of 2002 as Minimum Regulations on the
Internet' gMedia communicationh No.52,@ March 2002 (in Japanese)¨Tentative Translation in
- EgElectronic InfoCommunication Industryh The Institute of Electronics,
Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), April 2002 (in Japanese)
- EgSystem Design for the Broadband Erah Toyo-Keizai Shinpo-sha, April 2002
(in Japanese) (co-edited with Mr. Nobuo Ikeda)
- EeCommunications Policy : Property versus Commons in the Network' in
Okuno, Takemura and Shintaku (eds.) gThe Electronic Society and the Market
Economy,h Shinsei-sya Nov. 2002 (in Japanese)@(co-authored with Mr. Nobuo
- EeLaw and Economics in the Digital Society' T. Hayashi (ed.) gInfo
Communication Systemh NTT Publishing, June 2003 (in Japanese)
- EeDoes Info Communication Research deserve a Science?' JSICR (Japan
Society for Information and Communications Research)gInfo Communications
Research as a Scienceh JSICR 20th Anniversary Publication (in Japanese)
- EeCopyright Management on Web Content' in Seikyu-sya(ed.) gWho owns
Information?hSeikyu-sya June 2004 (in Japanese)
- EgLaw and Economics on Copyright System,h Keiso Shobo June 2004 (in
- EeLaw
and Economics of Copyright System in the Digital Agef (Online Lecture to
Stanford Japan Center)June 25, 2004
- EeA Proposal for the Comprehensive Media Act' interview by Mr. Yano,
Editor-in-ChiefgComzinehNTT Comware Co., September, 2004
- EeDigital
Technology and Copyright: Need to Redesign the Present Analog-based Law
SystemfgGlocom Mail Magazine No.145h Feburuary 28, 2005
- EgMedia Law in the Internet Age,hTokyo Univ. Press, April, 2005(in
- EeMaximization of Corporate Value and Intellectual Property
ManagementfgMonthly Technology ManagementhJune, 2005iin Japanesej
- EeLegal Protections of SecretsfgCyber Security ManagementhJune-October,
2005 (partly co-authored with Kaori ISHII)iin Japanesej
- EeLegal Protections and Management Obligations of "Secrets": A First Step
in Considering Information Security Law gFRI Research Reporth No.243@October,
2005iin Japanesej
- Ee20 Years, 35 Years, or 55 Years After Communication
Liberalization?fgTelecommunicationsh Vol.68 No.708 December, 2005iin Japanesej
- EeContradiction of Copyright Act Refuses Convergence of Communication and
BroadcastingfgWeekly EconomisthMarch 21, 2006iin Japanesej
- EeHow to Conceptualize Information Security Law'gInformation Network Law
ReviewhVol.5@May, 2006iin Japanesej
- EeLegal and economic issues of digital terrestrial television (DTTV) from
an industrial perspevtive'in Martin Cave and Kiyoshi Nakamura (eds.)gDigital
Broadcasting|Policy and Practice in the Americas, Europe and Japanh
August, 2006
- EgThe Evolution of
Networkingh (co-authored with Ko Yukawa and Yoshihiro Tagawa) October 2006
(in Japanese)
- EeCopyright, Self-Registration System, Researchersf Communityf
Intellectual Property Association of Japan Vol.3, No.1, December, 2006 (in
- EeThe Legal System of Information and Securityf serial in 16 installments
on Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Dec. 7th to 29th, 2006 (in Japanese)
- EeWhat had been privatization?fgUnyu to KeizaihVol.67 No.4, April 2007 (in
- EeFrom d-Mark to Media Information LawfDNP Museum Information Japan, June
2007 (in Japanese)
- EeCopyright Registration System under No-Formality Rulefin Proceedings for
5th Annual Academic Research Convention, Intellectual Property Association of
Japan, June 30, 2007 (in Japanese)
- EeEconomical consideration to extend the copyright protection
periodfico-authored with Tatsuo Tanaka and Yoshinori Tanjijin Proceedings for
5th Annual Academic Research Convention, Intellectual Property Association of
Japan, July 30, 2008 (in Japanese)
- E ExegesiseNational Cable Telecommunications Association v. Brand X
Internet Services, Federal Communications Commission v. Brand X Internet
Services, 545 U.S.967 (2005)f gAmerikahoh
2006-1 Japanese American Society for Legal Studies, June, 2007 (in Japanese)
- E gCase
studies in information technology and ethics,h Teruo
Nakanishiitranslation), Koichiro Hayashi(supervisor)@NTT Publishing, October
2007 (in Japanese) @
Management in the Digital Age"@(co-authored with Prof.Shigeo Yamazaki and others), Hakuto-shobo, April
2008 (in Japanese)
- E"Ethics and
law - Literacy in an Information Society-"@co-authored with Naoaki Yano,
Sangyo Tosho, April 2008a(in Japanese)
- ¥hCopyright
Term:Does Extension advance Culture?"co-edited with Tatsuo Tanaka, Keiso
Shobo, August 2008
- E"Information
Security and Corporate Innovation" writen and edited, Kyoiku-Shinsha,
September 2008
- E'Risk of Information Leakage and Its Accountability' The Sociology of
Law No.69, The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, 2008 co-authored
with Prof Masatomo Suzuki
E'Internet as a Medium,' in Civil Rights Association, ed., "Internet
and Civil Rights,"Kaiho Shuppansha, 2009 (in Japanese)
E"Master of Citation, Master of Frequently Cited," co-atuthored
with Dr. Kotaro Nawa, Keiso Shobo, 2009 (in Japanese)
E'How to Legally Protect Personal Information: A Preliminary Step towards
the Basics of Information Law,' in Institute of Information Security, ed.,
"Comprehensive Study for Information Security," Bulletin of IISEC,
No. 1, Nov. 2009 (in Japanese)
E'How to Protect Personal Data: A Comparative Analysis and Beyond,' International
Telecommunications Society, "Proceedings of The 18th Biennial Conference,"
Tokyo, June 27-30, 2010.
E'Institutional Design to Ensure Confidentiality of Information,' "Proceedings
of ISSI (Information System for Social Innovation," Feb. 28-Mar. 4,
2011, Tachikawa
E'Proclamation of a State of Disaster Emergency: Provision and Reality,'
Japan Society of Security Management, "Proceedings of the 25th JSSM
National Convention," Nagaoka, June25-26 2011 (in Japanese)
E'Media Concentration around the World--Country Studies: Japan' in Eli
M. Noam and the International Media Concentration Collaboration [2016]
"Who owns the World's Media?" Oxford University Press