呉 宗成教授の講演会のご案内
台湾科技大学の呉 宗成教授(Prof. Wu, Tzong-Chen)の講演会を下記要領にて開催いたします.
- 日時
- 2006年10月13日(金) 16:30〜17:30
- 場所
- 情報セキュリティ大学院大学 201教室
- 題目
- Enhanced Secret Key Traitor Tracing Scheme Using Bilinear Mapping
- 概要
- Traitor tracing is one of the most important security requirements in
the design of a broadcast encryption system against piracy or illegally
re-distributing an intended content. In this talk I will introduce a new
secret key traitor tracing scheme using bilinear mapping, in which the size
of the enabling-block in a broadcasting message is independent of the number
of receivers. Due to key independence, authorized receivers acting as
colluded traitors cannot find a linear combination of their personal keys to
generate a pirate key different from their personal keys for avoiding
traitor tracing. Furthermore, the broadcast center cannot deny an intended
content later and any authorized receiver does not have the ability to
falsify an unintended content for framing the broadcast center. I will also
give formal analyses to show that the proposed scheme is not only
collusion-resistance but also falsification-free in the random oracle model.
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報告(呉 宗成教授の講演会)
呉 宗成教授(Prof. Wu, Tzong-Chen)の講演会は無事に終了いたしました.
台湾より来訪されていた3名の先生方(Prof. Lei, Chin-Laung, Prof. Kuo, Wen-Chung,
Prof. Teng, Wei-Chung),学内教員7名を含め,参加者は合計24名でした.